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General Rules & Procedures 

1. The rules and/or regulations set forth herein do not express or imply  warranty of safety from publication of or compliance with these rules and/or  regulations; they are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in  no way a guarantee against injury. 

2. Hartford Speedway may at any time make amendments to the rules set forth.
3. Hartford Speedway officials shall have full authority over events. At the discretion of Hartford Speedway officials, any competitor may be penalized for rule violations, hazardous actions or assaults/threats against any official.
4. Cars will be permitted to race after Hartford Speedway inspector approval.
5. Wrecker Hook-ups/Chains must be mounted on front and rear bumpers and able to support car. 
6. No radios or mirrors are allowed. 
7. Drivers all responsibility for the actions of their pit crews. At no time will any competitor or crew member be permitted to enter another teams pit area in a confrontation or threaten any speedway officials. If you have a problem with another driver then find a speedway official after the final race of the event where both of you can go to your competitors pit and have a discussion.
8. All drivers must have a RaceCeiver one way communication device. It is the responsibility of the driver to make sure their radio is working at all times. Failure  to comply with instructions issued over the radio due to device malfunction may  result in removal from the race until your radio is fixed.
9. The uses of pit boards or colored flashlights are prohibited. 
10. All drivers must have a transponder. (Yellow Westhold or the Westhold G3  it is the drivers reasonability to make sure it is charged and mounted on the car  in the correct placement.  

10. This division will be competitive. Hartford Speedway officials reserve the right to add weight to any location, install air restrictors on the engine, or impose a handicap at any time should any single car or driver dominate. 2. All competitors should have an extra 100lbs of lead painted white, pre-drilled,  with 1/2” bolts and large washers, so this lead can be readily added to your car  in the event of a rules infraction. 

11. No computers (Laptops, smart phones, tablets, etc) will be permitted in the car during on track competition.


​ Cars 

All cars will be a 4 or 6 cylinder, front wheel drive car, with a manual or automatic transmission. 

1. Convertibles, 2 seat coupes, super or turbo charged cars will NOT be permitted. 

2. Cars with four-wheel steering from the OEM manufacturer will not be permitted. You may not adapt a four-wheel steering car into a front wheel turn only. 

3. These vehicles will remain stock, in their original form and shape. No alterations will be made to your cars, unless it is stated that you may do so. 4 or 6 cylinder front wheel drive cars. No full size cars allowed. 

4. No SUVs, Cross Overs, or Vans permitted.

5.  Wheelbase must be between 90 and 110 inches. 

6. Toe plates outside of tires and 75” max width. 

7.No rear or mid-engine cars allowed.

8. All cars will weigh a minimum of 2400 lbs race ready including the driver. 

9. All lead will be painted white and will be secured with ½” bolts & flat washers. 

10. All lead mounting will be subject to the tech official’s discretion.

11. All cars must have contrasting and easily identifiable numbers on the doors and roofs so that they can be easily be read by the scoring tower. (This has been a problem, remember your numbers need to be read from at least 100 feet away. If you don’t make your numbers easily identifiable then don’t complain that you aren’t scored properly! 

Roll Cage

1. Although we are strongly encouraging people to build and work on their own cars, if you have little or no experience putting in a safe roll cage, contact a good welder to help you install a good quality roll cage, your racing seat, and your safety belt and window net mounts. Your seat and belts must be mounted to the roll cage. Not to floor pan.

2. All cars will have a minimum of a 4post roll cage. The minimum round tubing  (Square tubing will not be permitted) size is 1 1/2” x .095 thickness, no exhaust  tubing or old rusty well pipe allowed. The rollover bar will be behind the driver’s head, with the upper halo section constructed to give the driver plenty of head clearance & protection to provide safety in the event of a rollover. All cars will have a minimum of 3 driver’s side door bars, as well as a single or an X door bar on the passenger side. A 30” wide by 12” tall by 1/8” thick driver’s side doorplate is required on all cars (minimum size). All doors must be bolted, welded or chained shut. The back of the seat must be secured to the horizontal back bar of your roll cage. An aluminum racing seat is mandatory. 

3. Front Hoops may be added for safety as well as keeping the car from bending so easy. 1 3/4” round tubing maximum (no heavy square tubing or channel).  You may build your radiator support rather than using the stock core supports.  Stock bumpers & all front OEM sheet metal are still required. 

4. Rear bars will be a maximum of 1 3/4” round tubing (Square tubing will not be permitted). The rear bars may extend rearward from the top of the cage behind the driver, angling down to the rear of the trunk area. You may also have 2 bars extending back from the middle section of the back hoop, rearward. No bars may extend through the rear of your trunk area. Your may have an X in between your two rear diagonal bars. The rear strut towers may be supported with your back bars, to help keep your strut towers in place. We will be allowing bars to extend through the front and rear firewall, for added protection for the driver.  These bars may attach to the strut towers, but may not go any farther. Cars must have shut off switch next to driver window which can easily be reached from the outside of the car by the safety crew. 

5. A minimum of three (3) vertical driver protection bars are required in the windshield ahead of the driver. Wire mesh covering the windshield area is highly recommended. 


1. We will allow you to beef up & secure your bumpers to your frame mounts, with a maximum of 1/8” thick angle iron or flat stock. You may add one piece of 1 3/4” x .090 (maximum size) tubing between your frame horns (both front & rear) to give you a solid place to attach your chain/cable hook-up. You may attach expanded sheet metal or screen in front of your radiator to protect from debris & mud. 

2. Aftermarket nose and tail covers will be permitted. Stock bumper covers are permitted. Bumper covers are not required.


Towing Hookups 

1. All cars are required to have a cable or chain to hook up to on the front and rear of the car in the event of needing to tow your car off the track. 

2. You will be allowed to add one piece of 1 3/4” x .090 (maximum size) tubing between your frame horns (both front and rear) to have a solid place to attach your chain/cable hook-up. Make sure your tubing is welded solid & that your chain or cable will lift your car up safely & square with the track (not just around one side of the frame horn). 

3. As we are trying to run a timely show you will get one warning on this rule.  Penalty after that will be starting on the tail of next week’s feature event.

Gas Tanks & Batteries 

1. If the stock gas tank is located ahead of the rear axle, it may remain in place as is. Double check the gas lines and the tank straps, replace them if they are worn. All stock tanks located behind the rear end must be removed and replaced with a 10 gallon (or smaller) fuel cell and placed forward of the center line of the rear struts in the trunk / rear seat area. Fuel cells must be isolated from the driver compartment and contained in a metal frame connected to the roll cage /  rear strut support bars (simply strapping your tank to the floor of the car will not  be permitted). All cars running fuel cells will be permitted to build a firewall from behind the driver seat leading to the trunk area consisting of 20 gauge (.020)  minimum steel with absolutely no holes between the fuel cell area and driver  compartment. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that all fuel cells have a “roll over valve” installed to aid in keeping fuel from leaking out in the event of a roll over.

 2. All fuel pumps are required to be wired into a master kill switch to be mounted behind the drivers seat that must kill all battery power before going to the stock vehicle harness or fuel pump. 

3. All batteries that are mounted inside the driver’s compartment must be completely enclosed in a marine-type box with a lid, and mounted securely. 

4. Remember to disconnect your battery whenever working on your fuel system!

 5. Skid plates (Steel or Aluminum OK) for cars utilizing stock gas tanks will be required. Cars using a fuel cell are not required to use skid plate.

Complete Stock Appearing Bodies 

1. Doors, fenders, trunks, roof, may be aluminum, but must remain stock, full, and intact. The main core of the body must remain intact between all strut towers for strength.

2. All glass must be removed 100%. All mirrors, upholstery, insulation inside & under the hood, carpet, tail lights & headlights, all loose trim on the exterior of the body, trailer hitches, and aftermarket add-ons must be removed from the car.  Any material burnable in the driver’s cockpit area must be removed. The original hood & trunk latches must be removed and replaced with a quick release hood pin system. Any car with a hatchback can weld or bolt your hatchback solid. All holes in the floorboard, front and rear firewall must be covered securely with sheet metal. Both front & rear bumpers must be strapped or chained to the frame, to prevent dragging. When you remove the vinyl covering on your dashboard, you may cover up the “ugly stuff” with a piece of aluminum or sheet metal. Make sure all loose glass or material inside of the body panels are vacuumed out completely. All loose rust flakes or trim must be removed from your cars. Use a sledgehammer on your bumpers to knock off all of the loose material on the bottom side of your car. 

3. If you are running a hatchback style car the hatch must remain attached, You may not take it off and leave the rear of car wide open.

4. Before your car will be allowed on the track, make sure the cockpit area as well as the trunk area is clean & vacuumed out 100%! 

5. No “verticals” or “fins” to create more side-force will be permitted. 


Cars must maintain a minimum of 4” ride height at frame rails. No engine or drivetrain components lower than 4” above the ground.

 No made for racing (Penske, Afco, Pro, or similar) shocks or struts are allowed. 

No adjustable or rebuildable shocks or struts permitted.

 Any shock or strut with rebound or compression adjustment knobs, screw, rods, or compression adjustment knobs, screws, rods, or bolts are prohibited.

 Stock struts, shocks, coil over sleeves, and coil overs are permitted, lowering springs, racing springs are permitted.

Stock, aftermarket, and performance sway bars using stock mount points are permitted. 

No made for racing multi-piece sway bars allowed. 

Stock type front control arms are required. 

Control arms and mounting locations may be modified for camber adjustments. Aftermarket radius rods allowed. No solid metal bushings allowed. 

Rear trailing arms must remain stock, but can be reinforced. 

Rear control arms may be replaced with steel tube and Heim ends for safety. Stock rear trailing arms and suspension mounting points may be braced for strength.

All 4 brakes must work. ABS sensors must be disconnected or removed. No functioning ABS systems are allowed.

 No traction control systems or devices allowed.

 Drilled and/or slotted rotors are allowed. Must use

Must use stock type calipers. Brake cooling ducts are allowed on the front brakes only. 

Parking brakes must not be used by the driver while competing.

 A proportion valve on the rear brakes only. 

Adjustable proportioning valves allowed (knob, handle, crank) and can be mounted in the car if desired to be adjusted by the driver on track.

Can only use a stock type master cylinder. No made for racing master cylinders or pedals allowed.


Engine  and Transmission

4 or 6 cylinders only. Automatic or manual transmission allowed. No super or turbo charged engines allowed.

No chemical power adders of any kind (N2O, benzene, nitromethane) allowed. 

4 cylinder engines must be push rod, SOHC, or DOHC. OEM stock variable cam timing is allowed on 2.5 liters or less. Maximum displacement on 4 cylinders is 2.5 liters. 

OHV 6 cylinder engine only maximum displacement being 3.8 liters. 

Cars must use OEM engine type manufacturers. Example: Chevy to Chevy, Honda to Honda, etc. 

No aftermarket blocks. 

Stock type cylinder heads with stock casting or the engine type and original displacement used. 

Throttle body must be attached to the intake manifold at the stock location. Aftermarket intakes are allowed on all SOHC and DOHC engines. We don’t want to be use restrictors, but officials reserve the right to place a restrictor on cars deemed to have an advantage. Throttle body or multi-point injection allowed. One fuel injector per cylinder. 

NO ITB (individual throttle body) INTAKES ALLOWED.

 Internal Engine Modifications such as porting, decking, and camshafts are all allowed.

 All forward and reverse gears must work. 

No tuning devices for engines or transmission allowed during the race events.

 No traction control. 


A complete exhaust system consisting of a single tube extending from manifold or header exit to exit point behind the driver under the car. Must be securely mounted. 

Exhaust may exit to the left or right or center of the car. If exhaust exits in the center of the car it must have a turndown towards the track. If the tip is within 6” of the fuel cell there must be a heat shield between the fuel cell and exhaust tip.

 Maximum exhaust size is 2 ½ inches and must be the same diameter from the header/manifold or flange/reducer to the system exit.

 No open headers. Exhaust may be welded or bolted, but must have no leaks. Exhaust must be routed under the car. 

No part of the exhaust may enter the driver’s compartment. 

No dual exhaust.

Wheels and Tires

1. Stock wheels for that make & model of car are fine. 7” wide steel safety wheels of any offset are permitted. Maximum tread width is 74”. Oversized 1” lug nuts are highly recommended on stock wheels and are MANDATORY on safety / racing wheels. All wheel weights must be removed from both the inside & outside of all wheels. 



  1. Any DOT tire with a minimum wear rating of 380 will be permitted. (No “racing” tires or performance tires such as Falken Azenias or Kuhmo Supra’s.). 

  2. Grooving/ Sipping/ grinding tires is permitted.

  3. NO chemical alterations to tires allowed.

© Hartford Speedway•301 Bowie Street, Hartford, MI 40457•   

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